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Why is White Oak in the forefront when it comes to integrating technology?  I would have to say one of the main reasons is because of the dedicated staff that spends countless hours outside of the required school day to explore new technology and sometimes just to play.  Another reason is the desire to excel runs deep and wide throughout our district.  If you look in the back of the first image below, you will see the Intermediate Principal, Jennifer Rock, as well as the Assistant Superintendent, Mitzi Neely, taking the time out of their very busy schedules to join in the play!

Thursday’s IHOP meeting was all about thinking outside the box – the Smilebox to be more precise.  White Oak has a subscription to Smilebox that teachers utilize on a regular basis.  Today’s playing was all about creating ways to turn that creative tool over to students to engage them in their curriculum.  Our host, Pam Cranford, showed us creative ways to use Keynote to create images to incorporate in a Smilebox. If you had to miss today’s meeting, we hope you will be able to join us Monday for the “Keys of Keynote” and again on Tuesday for Nina Peery’s session on “Animating with Keynote.”


IHOP smilebox 2

IHOP smilebox 1

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