Big Kahuna Fundraiser Begins Today

Today intermediate students will bring home information about our annual Big Kahuna Fundraiser. On the letter, parents will find the School ID #1130 and the website

This year there are hundreds of items from which to choose. Orders placed online may be shipped to the school, or you may choose to have them shipped directly to your home.  Just follow the six easy steps listed on the letter that will be brought home by your student.

Important Notes:

  • Sales end on October 23rd
  • Delivery is November 12th
  • The Family Plan includes students of the intermediate grades (3,4,5) ONLY being eligible (selling 20+ items collectively) to qualify for the Monster Party Limo. This will NOT include any primary siblings.
  • For ALL questions, call Arthur Frankze @ 817.36.2276 or email him at [email protected]
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