SSI Year for 5th Graders


In 1999, the Texas legislature enacted the Student Success Initiative (SSI) requiring 5th grade (and 8th grade) to pass both math and reading state assessments in order to promote to the next grade. TEA has published a Brochure to help parents understand the expectations for our 5th grade students. A copy of this brochure was sent  home with our fifth graders. Parents, if you did not see this copy, you can find this information on the TEA website linked HERE.

Tomorrow our 5th grade will take the STAAR Math assessment, and on Wednesday, they will take the STAAR Reading assessment.

Please remember that because of test security, there will be NO VISITORS allowed in the building for any of the intermediate grades – 3rd, 4th, or 5th.  Also, all intermediate students need to plan to either eat in the cafeteria or bring a lunch from home that morning as NO FOOD may be brought in from outside on STAAR testing dates.


We Believe, 5th Grade!

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