Reminder Regarding Dress Code

The East Texas spring/summer weather is upon us, and with the increasing temperatures, we are seeing a shift in student attire. Please be reminded that all students must adhere to the guidelines listed in the Student Handbook. This dress code pdf is linked on the right side of our blog.  Below you will find the excerpt addressing the kinds of clothing that are not allowed at school.  It is an inconvenience for both parent and teacher when students must contact home and ask for a change of clothing to be brought to school. This takes away from important instruction time in the classroom.

Please read the guidelines so that when you are purchasing those summer clothes, you will know if they will be allowed at school.Screen Shot 2016-03-28 at 1.03.12 PM

One thought on “Reminder Regarding Dress Code

  1. A uniforme for all students will end all this issues my honest opinion…would look very appropriate and presentable i think.
    I would rather pay a 100 dls for the uniforme than watch the dress code every day.
    It just would be much easier 🙂