Intermediate Car Pickup Reminder

The district has in place a plan for parents to pick up their children. Much thought was put into the best way to keep our students, your children, safe. In order for this plan to proceed efficiently, all parties involved must follow the established rules. Staff members who have been assigned to this duty have been given specific rules that THEY too must follow. These rules are not arbitrary, and these staff members are held to them.

Parents, this is just a reminder that you MUST HAVE a White Oak Car Tag hanging in your vehicle in order to pick up your child(ren) via the Car Pickup Line. This safety protocol is for the protection of our students, your children, and we will continue to be diligent with its enforcement. If you do not have a car tag or if you have lost your car tag, you will need to come inside the building to sign out the student and/or pick up another tag. They are available in the intermediate office. Thank you for working together with us to keep our boys and girls safe.

In addition, there have been incidents that have occurred due to parents being on their cell phones in the pickup line. In accordance with the city traffic signs that are clearly posted all along White Oak Road and Center Street, the school zone, including the Roughneck Drive where you pick up students, is a Cell Phone Free Zone and fines up to $200 can be levied.

Work Together! We are Partners when it comes to Keeping Children Safe! 

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