White Oak ISD Archery *Updated* Schedule

Archery Update:  Archery (National Archery in the Schools Program) has been introduced at the elementary and JH levels during their PE classes.  We will continue to shoot periodically throughout the year with these groups during their PE times.  We are also exploring other times during the school day for various groups to participate.  In an effort to expand the program and allow other age groups and interested students to participate we have scheduled the additional dates/times below so that ANY White Oak student can come and participate.


Saturday, February 6                          11am-1pm

Wednesday, February 17                    After School 4pm-5pm

Wednesday, March 3                          After school 4pm-5pm

Wednesday, March 31                        After School 4pm-5pm

Wednesday, April 14                          After School 4pm-5pm

Wednesday, April 28                          After School 4pm-5pm

**White Oak ISD ~ Socially Distanced Invitational ‘Spring Fling’ NASP Tourney (TBA-May)


*Please note that this schedule is tentative and subject to change.  Parents are encouraged to attend and help.  All transportation to and from archery is parental responsibility.  Archery will be in the ‘Old Middle School’ gym.  Please enter from the back and park in the back parking lot.

Thanks!  B. Gray……WOISD Archery Coach    Go Roughnecks!

School Closed Monday, January 11

White Oak Parents, Guardians and Staff,

Out of an abundance of caution due to the inclement weather and possible deteriorating road conditions tonight and early tomorrow, White Oak ISD will be closed Monday, January 11.  We are making this determination now so that parents/guardians have an opportunity to make any needed arrangements.  Coaches/sponsors of any extracurricular events scheduled for late afternoon Monday will contact those students individually.  While these decisions are difficult, the safety of students and staff will always be the determining factor. We apologize for any inconvenience.  Go Roughnecks!