WOISD Book Club Twitter Chat Tonight

habitudesJust a reminder to all that we will have our first WOISD Book Club Twitter Chat tonight at 8:00 p.m.  You will need to login into your Twitter account and search for #wohabitudes in order to follow the Live Feed. Be sure to include the hashtag #wohabitudes with every comment you make so that it will be archived with the complete conversation tonight. Remember that you will not need to type in #wohabitudes if you choose to use http://twubs.com/wohabitudes   However, you will still need to sign in with your Twitter account.

Ways to participate include:

  • LIKE any tweet that you support strongly
  • RETWEET any tweet you feel needs to be shared more than once
  • REPLY to any tweet whenever you feel led to do so
  • TWEET your own answers and see how many LIKES, RETWEETS, OR REPLIES you can ignite

This invitation is open to anyone who would like participate. It is not limited to those who have signed up to be a part of the WOISD Book Study. We want to grow our PLN and add to our resources in any way we can. See you there tonight!


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