Fall Box Tops Collection Drive

Image: www.campbell.k12.va.us

It’s that time of year! Clip Box Tops and earn tickets to be entered in a weekly drawing for Great Prizes! Every 10 Box Tops will earn you one ticket.  How does it work?

  • Clip Box Tops from hundreds of your favorite brands
  • Collect 10 Box Tops and place completed form in collection box in office (BE SURE TO WRITE YOUR NAME AND TEACHER ON THE FORM) Forms are available in the office and in every classroom. You will be awarded a ticket for every ten Box Tops submitted.
  • Drawing every Thursday for each grade level. A kids-meal will be delivered to the winners at lunch on Friday.
  • The top-collecting class of each grade level will win an ice cream party!

Box Tops for Education is a program supported by General Mills and other companies that aid schools in raising money for various purchases and products they deem important for their students. For each Box Top coupon we mail to General Mills, White Oak Intermediate and Primary receive 10¢.  We hope everyone will join in supporting our school and our kids with our 2015-2016 Box Top Drive.

Hurry! Deadline is Friday, December 11th.

2 thoughts on “Fall Box Tops Collection Drive

    • Absolutely, we will welcome ALL Box Tops no matter in what manner they are submitted. Thank you so much.