Meet the Teacher – Intermediate Campus


We value the importance of the school-home connection, and have always looked forward to our traditional Meet the Teacher night. Due to current circumstances, this event will look different this year.

All Intermediate homeroom teachers will create a Meet the Teacher video that will be linked to our main blog site on Friday, August 7th. You can click on the links to learn more about your child’s teachers in a virtual manner.

In addition, we want to extend an invitation to our newest members of the Intermediate campus, our upcoming 3rd graders and their families, to a modified Meet the Teacher event. We realize moving from the Primary campus to the Intermediate campus can seem overwhelming. We want to give our 3rd graders the opportunity to walk up the stairs and know where their rooms are before the first day of school.

Parents of 3rd graders who have completed online registration by July 30th will receive an email from their child’s homeroom teacher beginning Monday, August 3rd.

Meetings will be held on Thursday, August 6th at scheduled times so we can accommodate for social distancing. We are asking 3rd grade parents and students to wear a face covering to the meeting.

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