Making Digital Citizenship a Priority

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Teaching our students how to navigate our digital world is a priority at White Oak Intermediate School.  We are blessed to be in a district that embraces the power and privilege of using technology to learn and collaborate with others.  We also recognize that power and privilege come with the need to understand the responsibility of the consequences of our actions when using the internet.  Students at White Oak Intermediate School complete a comprehensive course in Digital Citizenship to earn their web license.  Each year, they review the essentials of being a good digital citizen to get their license re-issued.  This year, instruction was enhanced through the curriculum provided by  Common Sense Media.  The tools provided by Common Sense make the perfect companion for parents and guardians who are looking for information and ideas to help keep their children safe while online.  Be sure to check them out!


One thought on “Making Digital Citizenship a Priority

  1. All of us at White Oak ISD recognize the importance of providing a safe, this century, learning environment for our students. The faculty and staff at all of our campuses are to be commended for the effort placed on making White Oak ISD a Common Sense Digital Citizenship Certified District!