Picture Retakes Wednesday, Nov. 18th

School Picture Retakes

If you were absent when pictures were made or you are a new student to White Oak after pictures were made, please make sure that you come prepared to SMILE for the camera on Wednesday.

Anyone else who wishes to have pictures retaken MUST RETURN THE FIRST PICTURE PACKET IN ITS ENTIRETY BEFORE participating in pictures retakes. 

Image: http://slodarzteaches.com/

Don’t Be Alarmed by the Alarms


Remember that today White Oak ISD will conduct an Emergency Site Evacuation Drill. THIS IS JUST A DRILL! However, the Fire Department and Police Station will both take part in this drill. Should you hear a blast of sirens or see emergency vehicles heading toward the school, do not be alarmed. We are only having a drill. NO students will be leaving their campus at any time during this drill.

Feel free to share this information so that our parents will not be concerned for the safety of their children.

This is ONLY a Drill!

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Attention Parents!

On Monday, November 16th, the White Oak ISD will have a District-Wide Site Evacuation Emergency Drill. All students and staff will participate as well as our local Fire Department and Police Station. We will NOT leave the campus.

Please share this information to any parents who have children in our district so that they will not be alarmed. 


A Day Filled With Emotion


This veteran stands in honor of his country while our Intermediate Select Choir, flanked on each side by the American and Texas flags, sang patriotic songs during one of this morning’s three performances.

Even though our students had an early release today, this day was filled with unforgettable strands of learning. First thing at 7:45 a.m., our intermediate students viewed a special tribute to Veterans’ Day during Mrs. Nina Peery’s morning announcements in the gymnasium. They were then introduced to Veteran Jeff Bean who served both in the U.S. Marine Corp and the U.S. Armed Forces. Mr. Bean brought with him his service dog, Gordon, and spoke to the students about what it means to serve unconditionally. He spoke to the students about his service to his country and about Gordon’s service to him. This aligned with our character trait, “Service”, and our animal, “Labrador”, of the month. Immediately following, Mrs. Kelly Ritchey’s Select Choir of 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders sang patriotic songs in three separate performances. These students and their teacher did an amazing job. Parents were invited to attend.  Staff, students, and parents were enveloped in the emotions of the day where we honored our country and those who serve or have served in all branches of our military.

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U.S. Marine and U.S. Army Veteran Jeff Bean speaks to the intermediate students about service and how his service dog, Gordon, has helped him upon returning to the states after his tours in Afghanistan.