White Oak Students Perform

Screen Shot 2015-03-21 at 7.34.14 PM

L to R: Emma R. is Bessie Wright; Maleigh F. is Tillie Boulter; Katelyn J. is Ruby Gillis; Lauren F. is Rachel Lindt; Nathan B. is Jimmy Glover.

The following White Oak students performed in the Spring production Anne of Green Gables at ArtsView Children’s Theatre in Longview. This was an auditioned show and is an 8 week process. There were 5 performances. Visit www.artsviewchildrenstheatre.com for upcoming performances, camps, classes and workshops for ages 4 & up.

One thought on “White Oak Students Perform

  1. I’m sorry I missed this performance! I know they all did a fantastic job though. So proud of the young actress Katelyn has become!!